Gold Price: US$2,728.62

Why Invest?

Higher grade gold assets in Canada command a premium valuation based on perceived lower jurisdiction risk and higher margin potential. Signature owns 100% of the Lingman Lake Gold project which controls ~ 85% of the greenstone basin surrounding the historical workings. Early work on the property in the 1940’s indicated the high grade gold potential of the region. The Company has made a significant investment in its exploration camp and drilling equipment which provides Signature flexibility when exploring our property and scheduling drill programs. The value of this investment by the Company is underappreciated, as we can very efficiently conduct our drilling programs at a reduced cost when compared to utilizing a drilling contractor.

2024 will be a catalyst rich year for Signature Resources with the planned work programs that will advance the markets understanding of the Lingman Lake project. The Company has recently completed updating its geologic model with its consultant Watts, Griffin and McOaut (WGM). In 2023, WGM developed the new geologic model for the Lingman Lake project which incorporated the most recent drilling activity. The 2024 model update folded in the historic drilling from the 1980’s and has greatly expanded the high grade mineralization as well as identifying moderate grade mineralization (>2g/t and <5g/t) that had not been a focus of past efforts despite being less than 200 metres from surface. This updated model has provided a more data rich package in which to identify areas of interest and has allowed us to design an efficient 2024 drill program to be completed this summer.  The program is designed to cover approximately 5,000 metres and will be fully assayed thoughout each hole giving us a much richer data package about the mineralization contained in the envelope around the mineralized zones.  Prior drilling has not undertaken such extensive assaying of the property and this increased data will be very beneficial to our geologic modeling. Upon completion of the 2024 drill program, the Company will be able to advance our objective of compiling and publishing an initial NI 43-101 resource estimate. It is contemplated that the resource could be completed in early 2025 which will move the Lingman Lake asset from a concept to a proven project increasing shareholder value significantly. With the completion of the initial resource the Company will be in a good position to rapidly advance it’s resource development activities on the Lingman Lake property and undertake more regional exploration activities on its large land package.

SGU Mining Claims on the Greenstone Basin

Example of High Grade Intercepts

Lingman Lake Gold Project will benefit from advancing infrastructure. 

The Province of Ontario has made it a priority to connect the remote Fist Nation’s communities which has been the driving force behind the Wataynikaneyap Power Project.   Planning for the project began in 2008 with the original Central Corridor Energy Group targeting the connection of 13 communities.   In 2014, it expanded by five the number of communities it was targeting to connect to the grid and in 2016 the list of communities to be included in the program was expended to 22 communities.   Phase 1 of the project was focused on expanding the capacity of the transmission system to allow the expansion to the remote areas.  This portion of the program was completed August of 2022.   Work on Phase 2 (see the map below) is ongoing and will be bringing power very near our project connecting the Sachigo Lake First Nation to the substation just North of Pickle Lake.  The connection was made in November 2023 and should be celebrating the energization of the line in the spring of 2024.   The progress on this project can be followed here and here

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